7 de jun. de 2024
Apartamento Bananeira / Angá Arquitetura + Estúdio Pedro Luna
Localizado em um prédio antigo, da década de 1970, o apartamento tinha um layout antigo que não fazia sentido para os moradores: a cozinha fechada, existência de quarto de serviço e de três dormitórios. Além disso, o estilo do apartamento, mais clássico, com piso de madeira escura e forro de gesso, não refletia as suas personalidades.

15 de nov. de 2023
Araucária Greenhouse in Campos do Jordão, SP
The Araucária Greenhouse is situated on land that was bought by her great-grandparents, this house is where Carolina, one of the architects of Angá Arquitetura, spent all of her childhood holidays. She went for both summer and winter vacations with her brother and grandmother and stayed for the entire month. She has always loved working outdoors, being close to the farm animals – her passion since she was a little girl – and spending time with her family. Her grandmother and mother are plant lovers and her father enjoys jigsaw puzzles and good wine.

19 de jul. de 2023
Marcenaria elegante e prática
Uma cozinha elegante, pensada para receber e com marcenaria muito bem pensada para deixar o projeto funcional, neutro e pronto para alugar. Esse foi o pedido dos clientes ao escritório Angá Arquitetura, que assina o apartamento de 160m² no Tietê, São Paulo.

21 de mar. de 2023
Clínica CPAP / Angá Arquitetura
Foram alugados quatro conjuntos independentes que deveriam ser interligados e funcionar como uma clínica pediátrica. Além de sala para 4 médicos, o conjunto de salas deveria contar com uma recepção, brinquedoteca, banheiros para os clientes e funcionários, sala de amamentação, sala de vacina e uma copa.

15 de nov. de 2022
Araucária Greenhouse in Campos do Jordão, Brazil by Angá Arquitetura
Situated on land that was bought by her great-grandparents, this house is where Carolina, one of the architects of Angá Arquitetura, spent all of her childhood holidays. She went for both summer and winter vacations with her brother and grandmother and stayed for the entire month. She has always loved working outdoors, being close to the farm animals - her passion since she was a little girl - and spending time with her family. Her grandmother and mother are plant lovers and her father enjoys jigsaw puzzles and good wine.

15 de set. de 2022
Casa Patropi Reflects the Surrounding Landscape with its Sky and Mountain-Inspired Color Palette
Designed to be a rental house, this project aimed to create a unique experience at the beach. The colors green and blue are present in different materials throughout the house and intend to copy the palette of the surroundings: the sky and the mountains.

13 de jun. de 2022
Araucária Greenhouse
Situated on land that was bought by her great-grandparents, this house is where Carolina, one of the architects of Angá Arquitetura, spent all of her childhood holidays. She went for both summer and winter vacations with her brother and grandmother and stayed for the entire month. She has always loved working outdoors, being close to the farm animals - her passion since she was a little girl - and spending time with her family. Her grandmother and mother are plant lovers and her father enjoys jigsaw puzzles and good wine.

8 de fev. de 2022
Jazz Apartment |Converting a rented ground floor apartment
The client wanted to improve the use of spaces in this rented ground floor apartment, located in a historical building. So Angá Arquitetura designers needed to rethink the existing layout, as well as pairing the customer’s existing furniture with new pieces, without changing the authentic property’s features.

2 de mar. de 2021
Angá Arquitectura Designs a Modern Rental Home in São Paulo, Brazil
Designed by Angá Arquitetura, Casa Patropi is a modern rental house that, despite its contemporary and striking volume, blends into its lush surroundings on Guaecá Beach on the coast of São Paulo, Brazil. Characterized by its soothing green and blue color palette representative of the ocean, mountains and vegetation, the home was designed to appeal to multiple tastes in order to be easy to rent out.

14 de fev. de 2021
30 Casas projetadas por arquitetas e escritórios liderados por mulheres
Enquanto um espaço eminentemente hegemônico, em que os homens brancos cisgênero representaram ao longo do tempo e ainda representam a maioria nas posições de maior prestígio — desde as lideranças de grandes escritórios às premiações internacionais, como o Prêmio Pritzker —, a prática arquitetônica tradicionalmente tem invisibilizado a trajetória e experiência profissional de muitas arquitetas.

3 de fev. de 2021
Casa Patropi / Angá Arquitetura
Localizada na praia de Guaecá, no litoral de São Paulo, Brasil, a Casa Patropi teve seu projeto desde o início pensado para aluguel. Sem um cliente exatamente definido, o projeto pode ousar em algumas soluções de acabamentos, ao mesmo tempo que deveria atender a todos os gostos para ser fácil de ser alugada. Com um entorno repleto de natureza, desejávamos que a casa respeitasse a paisagem.

2 de fev. de 2021
Patropi House
The beaches of Brazil are some of the most mesmerising in the world and when there are homes as amazing as Patropi House on them, their allure is ramped up considerably. This incredible piece of contemporary architecture is located on Guaecá Beach, on the coast of São Paulo, Brazil, and was designed to be a rental property so, if you like what you see, you might just be able to wangle a stay there post-lockdown.

27 de jan. de 2021
Casa de Praia pensada nos Hóspedes
Essa residência na praia do Guaecá teve como premissa sua divulgação em sites de aluguel para temporada e portanto, deveria ser convidativa, funcional e aconchegante. Assinado pelo time do Angá Arquitetura, cada cantinho foi pensado para que as experiências na praia fossem as melhores possíveis, usando tal paisagem como inspiração.